Shifting Sands
Shifting Sands:
Navigating the World Changes
I’ve worked on this piece for quite a while without having any luck in finishing. The problem is that my daily experience shifts so drastically from one day to the next that what seems true to say changes. I’d like to contain here some of what is happening while acknowledging the crazy roller coaster aspect and the shifting sands of the playing field we are all on right now. The need to “roll with the punches” and accept change as an inevitable part of life, I think, is central now to nearly everyone’s experience. Whether your daily material life has not changed much (mine hasn’t) in terms of where you work (from home), who you see (few people), time spent in contemplation/meditation (a lot) or whether it’s been totally redefined and dramatically curtailed, who cannot feel the intensity of what is happening?
There are so many layers of this current reality and the ways they are affecting us. I fully acknowledge that I am one of the supremely lucky ones in that I’m not worried about my next meal or a home mortgage payment. Nor am I (at this point) in danger of being arrested for going for a walk outside. Those suffering with illnesses of varying kinds are always in a painful and singularly challenging situation but if you’ve read my last post, you know that I don’t accept the current narrative of the “pandemic.” People are sick and dying, as they always are, and it remains a huge question as to whether that is happening more now or not and to what degree. Actually I will say one thing and that is it’s very likely that more sick people are suffering at home from things unrelated to any stated virus because so much preventative and even emergency care has been suspended to support the fiction.
Still, while not diminishing the differences in current material realities, I feel there is an opportunity for all to harness the power of this change, when and how one can. The intensity that I am now feeling and interacting with and the questions and practices that it engenders are shifting so wildly from one polarity to the next in my little life it’s giving me whiplash and has made it hard to write this!
I used the word flying in my last post and a few days ago I had another incredible day of barely touching the ground. When asked how I felt by someone I said, “Amazing!” That is not a usual occurrence for me. Everything was golden and love was flowing through me, all around me. I felt so connected to loved ones far away that I felt they were right there in front of me and the joy I feel when I’m with them was no less that day. Quantum travel has never been more possible.
That day turned into night turned into a new day and my crash landing was so stunning and complete it left me reeling. The irrepressible good feelings I’d been having had lasted all the day before and to be that high for that long was an incredible gift. The next day, though, and for quite a few after that, the darkness descended. While I am, and always have been, an intense feeler with high-highs and low-lows, this pendulum on speed is something new and as painful as some of it has been, and I would imagine will continue to be, I welcome this change with all my heart, all my being.
I can feel the shifts happening in the world in my body, in my emotional and energetic structure, in an unprecedented way. Some of it feels “amazing,” some of it does not. To say that the global is personal is not just an easy aphorism. The structure, the literal structure of this 3-D experience is shifting and that affects everything. Even the most hardened among us will not escape the effects but for those sensitive it can be staggering.
On those days of flying my experience has been remarkable: I’ve had the ability to shift old and new emotional wounds at an incredible speed. Practices I’d been doing for 10 or 20 or 30 years became supercharged. I had never felt such an opportunity to change and grow. Pains and issues dissolved as soon as I communicated with them which is not how it usually is for me! It usually takes a few passes at least and quite a bit of pain for the easy ones and years and years for the hard old ones. I was finding it easier than ever to go into nonlocal space and resolve issues with people, communicating there, directly to their true selves, and feeling the information being received. Suddenly it was gone from my system and replaced by an incredible lightness. Despite “social distancing” I also never felt closer to those I love, as I said, though they are far away geographically. The non-local space where all information is available, where there is no space or time became more like an easily accessible superhighway. I didn’t need to be in a meditation or journeying space to travel, to feel my way into many realities. Very exciting!
Those days I’d walk around nearly giddy and was continually being surprised when I’d see many so shut down in fear (and face masks).
Then there have been the other days. These shifts have not been triggered by hearing of the “good” news or the “bad” news that is happening in the world. Each day brings plenty of both and a lot questions about which is which and what exactly is true. I do pay some attention to the sources I trust, to varying degrees, and it does affect me of course, but this is something else entirely. One of the challenges for me is that when this curtain falls, every ounce of it feels like, communicates as, all my old issues and pains and neuroses riding again. This again? I’ve not transformed any of this? Having been around the block with this work I know not to believe all the brutal thoughts, but that doesn’t dissolve the pain, just gives me a bit of an edge onto which to hold. And some of those lacerating ego thoughts are extremely clever. That’s the thing too, dark energies are very clever. They know how to get inside your head and make you believe completely that all this originates with you, when it doesn’t. Now, I am not advocating giving up personal responsibility. I fully acknowledge that these are my triggers based on my traumas and that they need to be addressed as such but I know too, that in that deep darkness what I’m perceiving is not totally accurate. I explain all this here in case you too are experiencing some of this.
Whether you are feeling this intensity or not, or some of it or not, there is opportunity here for everyone willing. I cannot emphasize enough how much I think any efforts at shifting old wounds and patterns, at learning about yourself, at connecting to divinity will be supported and accelerated now in a wholly new way. I have dedicated my life to doing this work on myself, and also helping a few others do it when I can, and I know how much struggle and pain there can be in the process. This veil that’s being lifted is also being lifted out of our bodies, out of our psyches. The more you turn toward that, turn inward to know the self and hence be able to see outward more clearly, the easier it will become.
Ask to be shown what you need to see, ask to be shown how to begin or deepen this work. Your process of inner work, your process of breaking down your programming, your illusions, will help illuminate this entire system. Yes, I think the opportunities for change have never been so potent but I also think that time is up! It’s now or never. If that makes you feel anxious or like you don’t have time to do all the work you need to do, that you are behind, I encourage you to let that go and simply have the intention each day to see more. If you are showing up each day to examine with fresh eyes your place here, to explore your interior world with just a bit more honesty, that is certainly enough.
You will be met more than halfway, much more. Divinity feels closer than it’s ever been. If you are not feeling these things, do not despair! Or do despair, because your pure pain is also the work, is also true. Ask yourself some hard questions. How much do I know myself? Am I facing, acknowledging, and exploring my true feelings about my relationships, my work, my home? How honest can I be with each of those things? What old traumas are still defining my life, my responses? What is really going on in the world around me?
Do some real research into the external if you haven’t already and do lots of research into the internal, whether you have or not already. There is a spaciousness now that allows for your expansion. The lifting of the veil is quite literal, as if it will allow us to stand up straighter because less weight will be pressing down. The tyranny of evil that we have been living with has been here for a reason, to teach us many many hard lessons, lessons that I’m still learning, but it’s not a given that it has to always be that way. Their time is ending and much of the pain in the world is from those dark energies fighting hard for survival. These are death throes I would argue. How long will they go on? That’s anyone’s guess but what’s important now is showing up for this singularity. Our access to our own potential has just shot way forward. What can you discover today? What new depth of feeling can you express? What new colors are in your crayon box? What old pains are ready to be plucked and understood and discarded? I encourage you with all my heart. Your work, my work, it feeds us all.