Unmasking Empire
Free-will, the Soul and the Frontlines of Radical Restructuring
Empire* continues to roll out its catalog of old tricks with increasing transparency and increasing urgency. A friend suggested to me the possibility that everything has in fact been done and resolved—the big bad players have been taken out, the sick structures have been dismantled, and that what we are witnessing now is for show, a play to educate the public about what’s been behind the curtain all along. I don’t know if this is accurate as it seems too good to be true and there seem to be too many loose ends. The one thing that makes this seem a possibility, however, is the openness with which empire is showing its hand. The “mistakes” of MSM (mainstream media) openly and repeatedly showing footage from an Italian hospital and passing it off as a NYC hospital, or literally using the trailer for “World War Z”** and passing it off as LA today suggest to me very strongly that people are meant to see these things.
The video of the killing that has supposedly set off these mass protests, has so many holes in it that even someone untrained in picking out the fakery can easily see so many unbelievable aspects. The technology that exists to fake news, to fake really everything, is so sophisticated that if they wanted to pass these things off as undetectable reality, or nearly undetectable reality, they easily could. But they are not. Anyone with a computer or a phone can see these “errors” quickly and easily. Everything from the “virus” to the “killing” to every step in-between is so obviously staged. We are meant to see this artifice, to give our consent to it, and so, of course, that once again brings up the question, how can so many still be accepting these things as reality?
It seems to me that people are being given every opportunity to start to question what’s going on, to refuse the herd mentality and to step, if only in a teeny tiny way, into their individual power. If I zoom out, I think this is God’s grace, endless opportunities for people to “repent” if you want to go the biblical route with it. But I would also say, these are opportunities to quite literally save one’s soul. These words are big and intense and I know there are people in my life I have lost with them and will possibly lose more. The stakes keep getting higher though, and my intensity, which has always been pretty hot, has, well, intensified. I don’t of course know what will happen when the reset button is hit, who or how many will go here or there or where. I do think, however, that there will be a reset of total and complete inclusion.
I’ve lived my life feeling strongly that free-will certainly exists, albeit in certain changing ways and with limitations. That gives everyone the opportunity to make better choices. You know I’m not talking about cheetos vs. kale, or even about not getting snappy with the check-out person. I’m talking once again about turning toward truth, even, or especially, when it’s painful. Knowing oneself more and more so one can know Reality more and more. Choosing to question that which feels wrong, turning toward pain in order to grow, choosing to feel, choosing real connections. That is how you develop your soul, or build one if you didn’t start out with one, if that’s possible.
From a zoomed out perspective, the transparency of empire’s maneuvers also seems like a farce, so ridiculous and nonsensical are the narratives being played out. Only 25 people allowed in the health food store but protesting en masse is fine? You have to wear a mask outside? Hospitals empty? I could go on and on but you get the idea and I’m sure you know all about these things and plenty more too. Zoomed in, of course, people whose neighborhoods are being trashed are being hurt, many of whom have already been under a great deal of economic stress due to all the inanities of the virus narrative. Whether or not people are feeling the pain of this game, however, doesn’t change their ability to see a bit of truth and that’s where we go back to the MSM. These tactics of theirs are as obvious as a child’s puppet show so how can so many, really the vast majority from what I’m seeing, still be acting as if these stories are real? Most people are taking the bait hook line and sinker. It seems to me that those who have always questioned, deeply or lightly, are doing so now. Those that never have are dissolving deeper and deeper into a virtual reality.
Of course one of the familiar old tricks of empire is to raise the flag of “racism” to anyone who doesn’t go along and to help propel all sorts of false stories and actions actively paid for and instigated by the high dark players. To be called out in this way seems to be something worse than death for the herd. If you question the narrative as a white person, you are an unschooled and privileged white oppressor, or simply a racist, and there is nothing worse than that. If you are a person of color, any color other than white, you are a traitor to your people, a token, a puppet, or simply crazy. Social media these days will make your eyes bleed more than normal, or maybe it’s the same as normal, but it seems like a fuller total and complete abdication of any free thought. I see the exact same words posted and re-posted as peoples’ “personal and heartfelt messages.”
Willful ignorance destroys your soul. Forever? Completely? I don’t know. More and more, though, people don’t look or seem or talk like real humans. I look in their eyes and wonder where they are. Were they ever there? As the 3-D breaks down are we seeing more obviously that not everyone is, in fact, the same? Many people seem to be shadows, or perhaps place holders, as loud as they may shout in exact repetition of what they’ve seem posted on FB a thousand times.
This question of free-will is something I’ve grappled with most of my life and my perspective on it shifts and slides slightly, especially within the context of good and evil, truthful living, and the total abdication of individual sovereignty. I know too from my own life-long struggles to transform my patterns and programming how hard deep change is. Yet, there is nothing more important than this work and, hard as it is, it is also within reach to everyone, at least to some degree. So I understand how difficult it can be to exercise free-will, to not make the same choices every time until you die, not think the same thought every time until you die, and to make lasting shifts deep inside. But I also know that everyday there are 1000 choices to be made, little and big, and we are all free to choose, at least for many of those. The little choices add up to bigger ones, bigger changes. They carve, sculpt and strengthen those muscles of choosing to know, even when it is ugly and unpopular, choosing to do that which is harder, choosing to be present even when it’s painful. Turning toward the real, again and again and again.
If we accept that these current stories of a deadly pandemic and a race war are all part of a global psyop within a giant false video game to teach us about good and evil, without free-will, what is the point? So many people seem to be so easily and completely in the throes of this (slightly) new turn of empire’s staged events. Even the fact of these two big narratives being so close together and so linked seem not to raise eyebrows among the masses. On a side note, one commentator I listened to made the astute suggestion that the insistence on face masks because of the “viral threat” was in fact to normalize face masks for when the masses of terrorist Antifa face-mask-wearing crowds were sent out.
When you look at the masses of people with their dead eyes agreeing so readily to jump into the throng when they’re told to, my insistence on free will starts to wobble. Were many of these individuals ever capable of their own choices? Are we all here for the same reasons?
This gets tricky. Many of us have grown up with or around these individuals who are terrified of getting sick, who are standing proud with “black lives,” as family and friends. We have loved them and seen their trials and pains and fears close up. I don’t want to see anyone suffer, not even those who have personally hurt me. This acceptance of a false narrative, and the subsequent spreading of those lies in order to be a member of the herd does, however, hurt all those of us who are wanting to live in a place of truth and freedom. And on a daily basis, at the very least, it makes us very very tired. These individuals, though in some ways they are barely that, are playing a significant role in empire’s game. Were they created for that purpose? And if so, by whom? Are they the creation of God or the product of laboratories of the darkest engineers as AI or golems or tulpas? Are they here for that purpose of our teaching, as placeholders in the game for some of us to deeply learn the nature of duality? Or, out of fear and pain, have they chosen that path of descent when they could have chosen individual sovereignty, divinity and real love?
It has always seemed to me that there are choices, as I’ve said, little ones and big ones. Everyone is not “doing the best they can.” Abuse is not the best even a weak and damaged parent can do. Refusal to question an absurdly flawed narrative is not the best one can do, even if afraid. And yet, I see such total resignation on so many, it’s like they are wearing stone masks, quite literally exacerbated by the cloth ones. Harder and harder to tell people apart. Just as someone can destroy their soul by a continual and deep communion with evil, so too can they build one by a continual turning toward knowing, a turning into their own heart, turning toward the questions which will lead to real goodness.
In another article I plan on further exploring the fracturing of the soul that happens through trauma and what “soul retrieval” really means but I briefly mention it here as today’s events seem intricately related to this fracturing. Are those not seeming to exercise their free-will simply traumatized and not choosing to reconstitute themselves? Is this from laziness, from a refusal to face pain, or do they truly not have the capacity?
In my little corner of the world I drove past a street corner the other day with three paltry protestors holding signs that said, “Bigotry Kills!” and whooping when a passing car honked. Inwardly I yelled, “Stupidity Kills!” I wondered what they thought they were accomplishing there but accomplishment wasn’t the point of course. Signaling that they are “woke” (a word I hate) and wanting to be safely included as one of the masses is the intention. “Woke” actually is quite apt in some ways, empire’s twisted sister, reverse, mirror-image meaning of the actual word, “awakened.” Just like face masks being worn when not mandated, “woke” signals that someone is anything but.
Those who control language control thought. The words spoken in one’s heads tacitly, and also explicitly, create the thoughts that create the feelings that create the systemized responses and actions and reactions. As so many are literally hooked into the network at all times this download happens instantaneously and is unquestioned. Natural impulses to connect with others, to serve the greater good, are stymied or redirected completely, by design, for predetermined use. Empire instructs what words and phrases become part of the vernacular through all media, instilling fear, instilling the need of obtaining “likes” and such. They play on and accentuate people’s real time isolation so that people become more and more reliant on the newsfeed and more and more compliant and trained to follow what are, essentially, empire’s marching orders.
I invite you to take the question of free-will into your own deep contemplations and meditations. Look inwardly at how much free-will you feel yourself and investigate whether and how much that can shift. In my experience, when you unwind it in your own systems and workings it can reveal much about what choices you do or don’t have. And about when those choices were made, whether it was in childhood or before you even got to this hard hard 3-D manifestation. See what it reveals for you. In meditations with this, it has brought me to a very upside-down, inside-out place, one of great disintegration of the material that has proved deeply fertile and without end.
In truth and in beauty, in ugliness, pain, and real goodness, I support your refusal to give up, your continuing efforts to know, to love.
*For my definition of empire, please go here.